Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 47: Horses Headed For The Barn

Last night it rained so the tent was wet again this morning.  Not too big a deal since today will end in Seattle and I will be my own warm showers host for the night.  In celebration of riding from Mexico to my house, tomorrow will be a day off before the final two days to the border.

After packing the wet tent and the rest of the gear, we got on the road pretty early.  We stopped at a grocery store a few miles down the road for a few things and to transcribe the days directions.  Today should be shorter than most of our recent days and I should be at my house in under 60 miles.

We will be meeting Sarah's boyfriend in Renton at the south end of Lake Washington and he will join us for the ride along the lake.  That will be about two thirds of the way through the riding day but we have told him to meet us at 10:30.

A couple days ago we had a message from Randy.  He said that he had some time during his layover in Oregon to read the blogs.  Now that we have dropped down west of the Cascades and are headed north  with the daily mileage continuing to increase, he said it sounds like horses who can smell the barn and are rushing back.

I guess it has felt a bit like that the last couple of days but today it is completely like that.  Partly because we are covering pretty familiar territory and partly because I know there is a comfy bed and good shower waiting for me, I am not very interested in stopping alongside the road today.

We picked up Ferrit right on schedule and continued along the shore of Lake Washington.  I parted ways with the two of them near Madison Valley and finished the rest of the ride to my house solo.

I was hoping to get to the house to see Julie by the time she gets home from work but with the quick pace I was home by 12:30. That gave me plenty of time to wash several days of road stink off in the shower so that by the time Julie came home I could pretend that I always smell nice after a day of riding.

Tomorrow will be a day off and coincidentally, the longest day of the year.  There is an annual Solstice Parade close to my house that will make a fun day off activity along with a serious cleaning of the drive train on the bike.

Only two more days left to the border and some of the gear will stay at home so hopefully the beast will be a few pounds lighter for the last bit.  I am anxious to be done but also trying to focus on continuing to enjoy the journey.

Randy has now decided to do a loop around the Olympic peninsula before heading to Portland of the music festival so I may get a chance to see him again as he passes through Seattle.  The timing should work out so that I can catch him right before I head to Hawaii.

The filthy beast resting at home, hose ready for action

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